研讨会 & Circles from the Restorative Justice Coalition

Community Building Circles

The goal of a Community Building is to make connections within the group in order to be seen, 听到, understood and respected; and ultimately building positive relationships and communication that can be relied on later.   A basic outline of a Community-Building Circle includes:

  • Community Building: Creating Connections
  • Explaining Restorative Circle Practices
  • Question Rounds to Encourage Dialogue
  • Closing and Celebrating Connections

A Community Building Circle can ranged from anywhere from 5 to 30 participants and can range in time from 30 minutes to 90 minutes.  We are able to tailor some aspects of the circle to meet your group’s needs, which can include goals of: relationship building, 团体动力学,/or goal and value aligning.


You can request a workshop covering the below restorative justice topics. These workshops can be tailored to fit your needs and time available.

  • Introduction to Restorative Justice: Learn about the fundamental principles of restorative justice and how it can be applied in many different contexts. This workshop also covers restorative justice’s roots in indigenous peacemaking. This interactive workshop also engages folks in dialogue about the shift from a punitive to a restorative mindset.
  • Bringing Restorative Justice to the Classroom: This workshop is specific for faculty who are interested in bringing restorative principles into their classrooms, which can aid in building stronger relationships with students. The workshop includes how to use circle practices in the classroom, 包括规范设定, how to have a restorative conversation with a student when difficult issues arise, 比如学术欺诈.
  • Bringing Restorative Justice to your Team: This workshop is for anyone interested in using restorative practices within your team or department as way to facilitate meetings, 制定团队规范 & values, or to make difficult decisions. The workshop includes dialogue about how team dynamics can be aided by reframing concepts of 反馈, 困难的对话, 问责制 从恢复性晶状体.