"The art of communication is the language of leadership.——詹姆斯·休谟

Whichever career you choose to pursue, you won’t succeed if you can’t communicate effectively. Verbal and nonverbal communication are essential qualities in leadership roles and team settings. Effective communicators even have the ability to sculpt public opinion and transform societal influences. We can’t teach you how to be the president, but we can teach you how to communicate like one.

The Department of Communication Studies is dedicated to excellence in instruction and best practices. Our expert professors have been churning out quality professionals for decades, adapting to the rapid changes in media that have affected our curriculum. Our graduates enter the workforce with the ability to succeed in a variety of industries such as government, 教育, 银行, 新闻, small business and everything else in between.

The ability to speak and write clearly and eloquently is an in-demand skill for many employers. This might explain why the study of communication is one of the fastest-growing disciplines at colleges and universities across the country, but this isn’t a new phenomenon to us. And as our successful graduates can tell you, this course of study will leave you primed to find the ideal place and medium in which to make your mark.


In the 沟通研究 degree program you’ll learn essential skills for work and family life – from trust building to persuading, from negotiating to resolving conflict, from training others to crafting memorable messages. Our majors and minors excel in five ways demanded by employers, 社区需要, and essential to thriving relationships: communicating effectively in speech and writing, 批判性思考, practicing ethics and respect for diversity, understanding new communication technologies, and collaborating successfully with others.

Students seeking a broad understanding of the field can pursue a 文学学士 degree in 沟通研究 while students who wish to specialize in this degree may elect a concentration in Professional and Organizational Communication or Rhetoric and Public 文化. Students can also 小 in 沟通研究.

I had previously been to other universities, but nowhere else compared to the compassion and support I found in the faculty here. My professors believed in me, even when I didn’t. They took the time to get to know me as a person and constantly stretched my limits. They have helped make so many things possible in my life.”

Stuart Kemmer,以前的学生

分析师、培训 & 产品开发专员




目前的专业 & 未成年人

2020年秋季, The 传播学系 recently updated our curriculum to reflect developments in the field and the expertise of our faculty. These updates include a new prefix that reflects our new department name (COMM instead of CAS), 新班级编号, 对几个类的更改, and new versions of the major or minor.

Students who declared their major prior to Fall 2020 have the option to remain under the “old” degree requirements or elect to change to the “new” major. Most current students will find it to their advantage to switch to the “new” major. All students should work closely with their advisor to ensure that they select the version of the major that works best for them and keeps them on track for graduation.

Two students sit on the grass while discussing and holding a laptop and a notebook.

The Auraria Campus was bustling with students the first week of classes starting Aug. 23, 2021.

给 to the 传播学系

Your generous donations support 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students pursue their dreams.

Your tax-deductible donation will help the 传播学系 continue to provide a quality and competitive 教育 for our students.




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