What is Roadrunner Instructor Training?

Roadrunner Instructor Training (RIT) provides faculty with the foundational skills and knowledge to be effective instructors in all course formats. This two-day training is designed to help instructors learn how to design and facilitate effective, 组织良好的课程. 会议的重点各不相同, with some being more about models of effective teaching and learning, and others being more about concrete guides and how to use specific tools. This training is primarily intended for new 密歇根州立大学丹佛 instructors, with the intention of providing a solid foundation to building and grow from.

Roadrunner Instructor Training Schedule

Each day starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:30 PM, with day-one being in-person and day-two being remote via Microsoft Teams. There will be an hour-long lunch break each day, as well as shorter breaks between sessions.

Being present for all sessions is important, but if a participant absolutely must miss an hour or two (at most), 皇冠博彩可以解决这个问题.

Roadrunner Instructor Training Format

This training will contain both synchronous and asynchronous components. Synchronous learning will occur in-person and using Microsoft Teams., while asynchronous learning will occur in Canvas.

During the synchronous sessions, there will be live demonstrations of important features in Canvas, YuJa, 还有其他工具, including opportunities to apply the concept and engage with the ideas.

Each topic covered by the Roadrunner Instructor Training has a corresponding module in the Canvas course. 在每个模块中, there is a short overview (sometime including a video) and a copy of the PowerPoint slides. You may also find notes on the synchronous portion of the session, references for further learning, and suggested practice activities.

Register for Roadrunner Instructor Training

Click here to register for RIT