2022 Scholarship Celebration inside the Tivoli Turnhalle with people sitting around tables

事件 | Annual Scholarship Celebration – Student Registration
日期和时间 | 2月4日. 23, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
位置 | Tivoli Turnhalle
服装 | Business/Business Casual
发请帖 | Fill out the form below for “Yes.回复:“不。” 点击这里

描述: As the recipient of a privately funded scholarship, we’d like to celebrate you as well as connect you with alumni, donors and friends who help make scholarships possible.

请注意: Scholarship Celebrations Invitations are good for one registrant. Additional guests are not permitted due to space limitations in the Turnhalle.

To 发请帖, please contact (电子邮件保护) to be added to the waitlist.

事件联系: 乔什·哈里斯, (电子邮件保护)